Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010

Pubic Relations 101

Hello everybody. After a great winter break that I spent in Snohomish/the Seattle area as well as on the Big Island of Hawai'i, I started school again this week. Today was my first day. My brain must still be on vacation. Thus, I already managed to embarrass myself. Here we go...

I am taking great and very interesting classes this semester, one of them (my favorite one so far) being "Fundamentals of Public Relations". Yes, my friends, read those words closely. After I had spent a long day on campus today, concentrating very hard on Astronomy (with math!!) and Classical Mythology, I got a little tired during the PR lecture. My neighbor, a girl in a Texas-hoodie (what else??) with a huge brown pony tail that she repeatedly swished in my direction - don't you hate those people that think their hair is sooo important iut should have its own side of the table? - kept looking at my notes. But only about 45 minutes into the lecture did I see what she saw. And what made her look again and again.

On the top of my page I wrote "Pubic Relations". Now it is up to you, my German friends, to take out your dictionaries and find out why that is an embarrassing mistake. I don't even think UT offers a course like that. Bummer...!

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