Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

Bad Hair Day, Take2

Any sarcastic or slightly funny feeling I might have had left about the situtation yesterday is gone now. And those of you I yelled at know that wasn't much (Sorry again, guys!!). I just talked to the lady at the office of the registrar in Essen. She cannot find any document suggesting my leave of absence. Of course she doesn't say that. She says, there is none, meaning I haven't filed one. So obviously somebody was too incapable to file away a piece of paper, which, quite frankly, is probably all it says in their job description anyhow. You only have to be able to file stuff away and know where the documents are, right? Uggggh.....why is there so much incompetence in this world? And why always in administration? Those of you who know me, also know how much luck I have had with paper work of any kind in the past 4 months, e.g NOT MUCH!
She didn't seem to be surprised that I transfered money; UDE must receive donations over 12 Euros quite often. That, in turn, doesn't surprise me at all. Must be all they spend on student services all year. Yeah, I know, now I am getting spiteful.
We'll see how it turns out. She said she'd check and look for my request, and I'm getting ready to mail off everything she needs in case I need to file another request. And, of course, I'll have to pay an additional fee because I'm late.
Who invented administration, anyways?

PS: My hair looks fantastic again....coincidence??

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