Dienstag, 8. September 2009

You're never alone in Texas

Do you know those moments in which you feel watched? Those moments in which you are absolutely positive that someone - or something for that matter - is watching you, observing you and following your every move? And then, when you turn around, you have to admit that it was probably only wishful thinking or a trace of paranoia?
Well, something similar happened to me this morning. Just the other way around. I didn't feel watched at all.
I went to take a shower before school. And when I lifted my bottle of shampoo I saw it. And what's worse: it saw me, too! So we stared at each other. I lost the staring contest; I had to blink. IT didn't. It was a gecko. A little pinkish, naked-looking fella with a kind of tiger-like striped tail. Kind of cute, I thought for a second. But then I remembered he was in my shower.
So I finished showering (he didn't seem to mind), and then put him out the front door. I really have nothing against geckos. I am just wondering how he got into my bathroom. And: if he could get into my bathroom, what else can?
Now I am thinking if I should put up a sign on my bathroom door, saying: "All creatures with less than 2 and more than 4 legs STAY OUT", big enough, so everyone can read it. Spiders have enough eyes to see it, right? I just hope they know how to read...

1 Kommentar:

  1. I knew it!! I just had the biggest and nastiest looking cricket jump at me from behind the shower curtain!! Not the sweet little green grasshoppers we have in Good Old Germany, no! Huge, black, with short little nasty limps and a shiny back. It even gave a loud 'thud' when it landed in the bathtub.... eeeww....
