Dienstag, 10. November 2009

Longhorns defeat Knights 35:3

Yeah, now I've had my college football experience. Last Saturday was THE day. And it was a good one! I still haven't figured out all the rules there are to this game, but it really was a spectacle. UT played the University of Central Florida and ripped 'em off. I really don't know much about the game, but either the knights just sucked (likely) or UT is awesome. Well, I don't doubt that, anyway. I had a blast.
I experienced all teh chants and songs and moves and traditions. And let me tell you: It's jus like on TV, with the cheerleaders and the band playing and the dance team rockin' and all ("Wackel mit die Hufte, denn wenn Du wackelst mit die Hufte mache das schön geschmeidig und sexy!!" :) ). It was just great. And even though the weather was cloudy and dreary in the morning - I actually felt reminded of a regular summer morning in Seattle - it became sunny and warm and I got myself a sunburn on the nose. Now I have something to remember the game by. Until my skin peels off.

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